Our AI & Data-driven Agile Automation solution, aims to facilitate streamlined R&D goals and transform different Drug Discovery & Therapeutics Programs.
Our automated AI-Workflow enhances precision medicine development by reducing costs and development time.

Drug Discovery


»  Advantages
  • RPBaCP introduces collaborative environment, cost effective, flexible robotic solutions for microbiology including serial dilution, smearing, colony picking, streaking and petri dish storage.
»  Applications
  • Food Samples | Environmental Monitoring | Forensic Science | water samples | Handling hazardous samples.
»  Flexibility
  • Multiple integration possibilities such as
  • Vortex |Liquid Powder dispensing | weighing Scale Electronics pipettes(single/multi-channel) QR code position identification | Microscopic image analysis


Diagnostic laboratories (medium and higher volumes),

where higher accurate tests are done every day.

  • Manual test – tiredness and fatigue reduces the efficiency. As test procedures are mostly repetitive, automated testing eliminates the fatigue and continues the process with the default efficiency.
  • Automated testing – quick response time without any human intervention 24/7 with full efficiency.
Flexible system for Versatile Diagnostics 

is not only for COVID Diagnostics but with minimal modifications can be used to meet required needs for testing blood samples, urine samples and more.

Cost effective Solution for Laboratories.
Mobile Testing System,

where RAFSYS Diagnostic System is installed on a Mobile Vehicle to reach any target location without any difficulty. Reachability for Covid Testing at any Rural Area is thereby ensured.


The main goal of this project is to reduce the human errors in normal testing. In addition, the whole system’s concept is to make the whole automated device mobile to enable the test to be concentrated on the highest infection zone as quickly as possible and once the process is over it can be moved to the next area for testing. Herewith we can also efficiently reach Rural locations where reach-ability is in concern.

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    Germany — Headquarters
    Hanauer Landstr.521,
    60386 Frankfurt am Main.


    +49 176 84562613
    +91 422 2591353
    +31 681354122


      Designed and Developed By Strings Infinity